Gilbert and George


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Spring has sprung

The grass has riz

I wonder where

The talent is?


Just a short poem about the exhibition, LONDON PICTURES, showing the work of Gilbert and George, currently at the White Cube Gallery in London.  Sorry, that is probably a bit mean – but I was very disappointed in the work on show.  Aesthetically, the work was amazing.  After a,ll the White Cube does, as its name suggests, have some great big, large white walls and Gilbert and George’s work was black, white and red, so showed up quite dramatically against the white backdrop.  My biggest gripe though, was that the work took up tons of exhibition space to say very little.  The world is a cruel and horrible place, obsessed with money, sex, drugs, murder etc etc etc.  Nothing new there then!


Actually, as I look at the picture of the work, maybe I am being a bit too critical.  Go and see it for yourself and see what you get out of it.  It did make me think about the meaning of Art – so, if only for that reason- it was a good exhibition to see!